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Name:               Chelsea Wilson



My challenging journey

I had contemplated taking driving lessons for a long time, from as young as the age of seventeen, as the idea of driving had seemed appealing to me.  I looked in to taking lessons’ but it was something

 that at such a young age seemed like I had all the time in the world to achieve.

When I was twenty one I was involved in a car accident that left me fighting for my life and as a result would not get into a car never mind ever to think of taking lessons. During my working life I had come to rely on using public transport as my role as fitness professional and Gymnasium manager.

As my professional career started to develop and my job roles changed, I became more involved in Public Health and this meant that I had to be able to travel independently across Hull and the East Riding and this was proving a bit  ore difficult relying on public transport, when I could be asked to attend meetings, deliver training and to conduct home visits. So after much careful consideration and looking at

some of the obstacles that I had overcome I decided to book a course of driving tuition lessons.

I originally booked a few lessons with another Instructor  who I did explain my issues’ around my anxiety and confidence, particularly with approaching roundabouts  as this was may biggest fear due to my

accident as a passenger being on a roundabout.

My main problem was on approaching roundabouts, my anxiety took hold and I would either speed up to try and race off them or come to a complete stop , after a few weeks of this my instructor asked why I

found myself still doing this? I reminded him of my concerns and worries in relation to my accident to which he replied “I did have a pupil who did the same thing, coming to a complete stop, I am surprised

she is not dead!” I had paid up to this lesson and cancelled anymore with him, as I felt that this affected

my confidence in my self and him.

A work colleague asked me if I was still continuing with my lessons and how I was getting on. I told him about my experience and it was him who recommended John at Lead The Way, as he had recently passed his test with him, so after a discussion with John about my driving history I decided to

book with him.

Straight away John put me at ease asking about my driving history etc, and asking me why I needed or wanted to get my licence not why I wanted to pass my test.

In his opinion when people use the word “test” it brings up images of nervous school/college days, interviews etc. So think of it as a way of learning the practical skills to obtain you licence.

Throughout my training my main concern was roundabouts, as I seemed to go into a bit of a panic at them and would either increase my speed to get off them or come to a complete stop and hold up other drivers, John asked my to think of them as a junction rather than a roundabout and to focus on me and my safety not the drivers behind me, to look at the developments and take my time.

He really helped me to look at things differently, and constantly focused on all my positives that I had developed over my time with him and any issues we would discuss them and set to work on overcoming them straight away.

John doesn’t just focus on his time within the car driving with you; he prepares you mentally with all his handouts and home work that not many instructors do.

The biggest thing for me is that John took into account my fears and confidence issues because of my accident and helped me to look at things and work through them until I was ready and confident to take my practical.

Although it may have taken me longer than some people I stuck with it and am really glad that I have finally done it.

I also enjoy driving most of the time and I find motorway driving a pleasure not a chore.

Thank you so much John.


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